miércoles, 25 de febrero de 2015

Rehersal work

Watch the following biographies and answer the following questions:

  Tiger Woods Min 1:38-2:48 m

Tiger Woods
What separate the great from those who are just very good?
That they will__________________________________ 
For Tiger practice is the ____ and his work ethic is legendary.
He is up at dawn and can stay _____ on the course for as long as_________ hours...
Is a never ending quest for____________. 
You never loose that passion for compete and _____ a dream, and I`m able to do that...

His father Earl said Tiger was swinging a _______club at 9 months, before he can _____.
By 3 his __________ talent was featured in the Mike Douglas ______....
Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela
True(t) or false(f)
He wanted whites and blacks to become equal____
He won the Nobel peace prize in 1973___
Apartheid means the separation of interracial communities___
He used the sports to bring people together___
He went through a 20 year imprisonment__

Stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawkins
Whose anniversary was he born?
How long he used to spend in school?
How he amazed the science world?
What is the name of his best seller?
Mike  Tyson

Mike Tyson
He got arrested more than ___ times.

What did he win when he was 16 ?____________________________

What other type of problems did Mike Tyson have?________________________________

What did he do to Evander Holyfield?________________________________

Grammar Past Tense
Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in parentheses in simple past tense.
Then, indicate whether the verb is regular or irregular. Finally Make affirmative, negative and interrogative sentence.
Affirmative: Mrs. Anderson forgot her husband's last birthday(regular / irregular)
Interrogative: Did Mrs. Anderson forget her husband's last birthday?
Negative:  Mrs. Anderson didn't forget her husband's last birthday

1) I (begin) _______ the new project last week. (regular / irregular)
2) You (push) _______ the cart too hard and it crashed. (regular / irregular)
3) Jim and I (move) _______ the furniture in July, 2010. (regular / irregular)
4) The pelicans (find) _______ lots of fish to eat Thursday afternoon. (regular / irregular)
5) Our teacher (send) _______ the box to Oregon a week ago. (regular / irregular)
6) Jennifer (bake) _______ a lot of cookies for that party. (regular /irregular)
7) The lion (spend) _______ the night hunting. (regular / irregular)
8) The girl (stand) _______ in the rain for five minutes. (regular / irregular)
9) Callie (act) _______ in the play last fall. (regular / irregular)
10) Steven (give) _______ a donation five years ago. (regular / irregular)
Exerciise 10
Past Tense
Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in parentheses in simple past tense.
Then indicate whether the verb is regular or irregular.
Example: They (eat) ate vegetables for dinner. (regular / irregular)
Example: The hikers (fear) feared they were lost. (regular / irregular).
1) Aunt Nancy (join) _______ me for lunch last Wednesday. (regular / irregular)
2) My cousin and I (ride) ________ the train last week. (regular / irregular)
3) The guests (drink) ______ juice yesterday morning. (regular / irregular)
4) We (swim) _______ in the lake on Tuesday. (regular / irregular)
5) The lawyers (present) ________ their cases last Friday. (regular / irregular)
6) The bad weather (surprise) _______ us in July. (regular / irregular)
7) The brothers (scare) _______ the kittens away. (regular / irregular)
8) Christy (run) _______ two miles in the race. (regular / irregular)
9) Maggie (leave) _______ the party early. (regular / irregular)
10) Christopher and Wes (light) _______ the campfire. (regular / irregular)
Retrieved from http://englishforeveryone.org/Topics/Verb-Tenses.htm