martes, 7 de octubre de 2014

Basic expressions

1-What is your name?   My name is_______
2-Where are you from? I'm from__________
3-How old are you?     I am ___ years old
4- What program are you studying at the UTP?   I am studying  _______________
5- What do you like to do ? Hobbies, activities, sports, TV shows.
I like to...    __________ 

Common expressions:
What is today´s date?  Wednesday, October 7, of 2014
What do you like to do?
 I like to study, I like to read, I like to exercise.
please, thank you, what s your name?
how do you say in English _________? como se dice en ingles________?
What is the meaning of__________?   Que significa____________?
 How do you pronounce _______? Como se pronuncia___________?
I don’t know,
 may be
Ask your partner,
talk to you classmate

sábado, 5 de abril de 2014

Listening activity

1- Watch and listen the video and complete the blank spaces (fill in the gap) Until minute 5:00.

2- search for unknown vocabulary.

3- answer the questions

1Visual Arts: The cathedral of Notre Dame, Paris completed in the _____ 1250 after a near century of construction, this magnificent gothic building is a striking reminder of the strength of the ______ in Europe, at the end of the Middle Ages in a time when the majority of Europeans endured an existence of fueled poverty the church was by far the wealthiest most powerful __________ on the continent and one can imagine the odd an ordinary person would have felt upon encountering ________ such as this in the churches; dominance of ________ also expressed itself in a world of art not only in architecture but in all the visual arts, the anonymous painters and sculptors of those days were concerned almost exclusively with religious themes, their aim was simply to use time-honored techniques to produce images that will _________ a spiritual message. The representation of reality in the ordinary temporal world was not their intention, but art and artists were about to change forever and the late mediaeval _______ would see the development of new ideas and techniques that would lead on to the glory of the 16th century high renaissance and art as we know it today. As the 13th century drew to a close the social and _______ fabric of Europe was slowly beginning to change, although most people still live as peasants on the land tied to a feudal lord, the late Middle Ages saw the tentative beginnings of a _______-class across Europe, gradually secular thinking emphasizing the importance of trade, commerce and an economy based on money began to be established, in England and northwest Europe: wool and _______ were a substantial source of new wealth while in Italy with its historical links to the east merchants, tradesmen and bankers began to play increasingly profitable trading in urban centers such as Padua, Sienna, and Florence. It was against this new secular background that the great _______ of the late medieval world would achieve their greatest results, most especially in the Tuscan Republic of Florence 150 miles north of Rome the first of the great artists to come from here was Giotto di Bondone, born near Florence around _____ little is known about Giotto's early life, like so many of artists of its time but between 1302 and 1305 we know he was working in the northern Italian town Padua painting the walls at the Cappella de la arena using a technique for to be unknown since ancient _______, along with his contemporary Cimabue, Giotto rediscovered the fresco, the method of painting with watercolors on plaster while the plaster is still wet. ‘Fresco’ paintings pops one of the most permanent wall ________ techniques defies in the medieval period but really specialized and developed in Italy, it relies on the bonding of paint with wet plast and this is true 'fresco' as distinct from just wall painting where pigment was applied to the surface of dry plaster. The paint of course will be applied by using _____ and pigment mixed together, this would go into the wet plaster and fuse with it, this gives it the terminology known as 'bono fresca', more remarkable than Giotto rediscovering of the ‘fresca’ technique, however where the images he created using it but it wasn't the subject matter that made works ______ as 'the mourning of Christ'… revolutionary. Visual depictions of events surrounding the life of Christ were commonplace but the _____________ of Biblical events that were created mainly from manuscripts were simply a means of communicating sacred themes to a mainly illiterate world, this twelfth century German manuscript illustration of 'the Annunciation' makes no attempt to represent the Virgin or the ______ as physically real figures existing in real space, the artist will simply have not been concerned with this, what was remarkable about Giotto equally religious work was that they have depth.

2- write a list of unknown vocabulary.

3-Visual arts:

1-What was the video about?
2-Which organization was the wealthiest of the middle ages?
3-What type of themes were the middle age painters more concerned with?
4-In what age did arts and artists change forever?
5-What happened in the 13th century?
6-Who was Giotto di Bondone?
7-What was ‘the fresco’?
8-Name one of the creations of Giotto?
9-What was remarkable about Giotto’s art works?
10-Name two other important artists and their famous artistic creations.

Second listening (after minute 8 from the video)

1           1-     What did Giotto’s earlier works represent?
2         2-    What is the difference between Giotto’s artistic representations and the masterpieces of later     time artists?
3-What was the problem in Giotto’s time?  When did they discover the solution?
4-Why were not Italians of the mid-1300 concerned with creating works of arts?
5- How long did the construction of Santa Maria del Fiore take?
6-What Brunelleschi had done to strengthen his engineering and artistic abilities?
7- Why was Brunelleschi one of the most important artists of its time?
8-What was Masaccio greatest achievement?  How did Masaccio achieve it?
9- Write two similarities and two differences among Masaccio’s works of arts of other artists?
10- What would become the standard textbook on perspectives for generations?